UGR PhD Tracking Site

As you have already seen, there are many options in the menu of this platform. The one you are mainly interested in is called Portal de Seguimiento de Doctorandos (you can look for it in the search menu). In here, you'll have to upload every single thing you are going to need during your PhD. Let’s start!


General Data

In this section you should find all your personal data and your status with the University (doctoral program, if you are or not enrolled in the doctoral program, if you have paid, your director(s) name(s) and email(s), your tutor…). They also assign to you also one research topic that, at first, may not be the one in which you are actually in, simply because they have to include you in the system. Probably at first you won’t have any assigned tutor (and maybe even the director). The directors are going to be definitely added (at last) when you present your Research plan (Plan de Investigación), that would be explained below. If you are not assigned a tutor from the beginning, you (and the one who will be your tutor) will have to write an email to the coordinator of your doctoral program (for the FisYMat: and suggest him/her a name. It is important that your tutor is an accessible person, as they would have to do some tasks during your PhD. It can be whatever person that is ascribed to your same doctoral program. Ask your supervisors! Probably they are ascribed to some doctoral program (although is not recommended, they can be both director and tutor). Also, here you should have your limit date for presenting the Plan de Investigación.

Admission documents

In this section you don’t have to do anything. Once you are enrolled in the PhD program, all the initial documents they have asked you for should be here just in case you need them at anytime.


DAD / Formative activities document

In this section you and your tutor will have to upload all the documents that certifies that you have participated in a formative activity. The compulsory activities associated to your doctoral program would be already in there with an interrogation sign and marked as “Obligatoria”. But there are plenty of other optional activities that you can include. Some of them can be created by yourself, some others need to be created by your tutor (and then you complete the information). The main activities are: a) Publications: This is a compulsory activity that you have to fulfill in order to defend your thesis. Normally, the activity would be already created by default, but you could have published more than 1 paper in any journal. If that’s the case, please ask your tutor to create the activity him/herself, and then you complete it following the instructions. b) Courses and seminars: There are two type of activities in this category, those activities organised by the UGR and all the rest. When it is not organised by the UGR, the activity would be created and completed all by yourself. For the UGR courses, all those available are included in a list (see Fig below; Actividades definidas para su programa doctoral) that indicates all the available activities that are associated to your doctoral program. In that case, your tutor will have to create the activities for you to upload the corresponding certificate of the activity. For the activities from the UGR, they will send the convocatory through the “” email, and also they will send there the assistance certificate to upload it to the platform. If your doctoral program has compulsory courses, they should also appear individually by default (check it and ask to your tutor if it is not the case). Please, take into account that the IAA seminars are considered as courses to upload as non-organised courses. To certify your assistance to the IAA seminars, please remember to fill the document after each seminar provided by Rene Duffard (, and ask him every september for your certificate to upload to the platform! c) Short or long-term stays (Estancias): The short or long-term stays need to be created by your tutor, and then fulfilled by you. If you are going to do a long-term stay abroad to get your International mention, please go to the section dedicated to this topic. d) Assistance to congresses: Again, ask your tutor to create the activity and then complete it as required. Ensure that you have a certificate that states that you have participated in the congress!!

After completing the activities you have to mark the button that says “Enviar a revisión del tutor” , and then your tutor will have to accept (or not) the activity and write a small paragraph about your performance in the activity. In the previous figure, it is shown also the option “VER DOCUMENTO DE ACTIVIDADES” where you will have a complete document with everything that you have done during your PhD. You will need it when finishing your PhD (forget about that until the end).


Research plan

During your first year in the UGR and PhD, you will have to complete what is called the “Research plan”. You can find the document in the following link (there is a version in English and in Spanish): You should ask for help to your supervisors in order to complete the document. The easiest way to finish this is to take the information written in the documents that your supervisors must have done in order for you to be at the IAA. Once completed, you should upload it in the corresponding part of the Portal de Seguimiento de Doctorandos (see Figure below).


Once you upload it to the platform, your director must do a brief document writing whatever he/she considers necessary, and then the coordinator of your doctoral program must approve it too. When this is done, and for getting it completely approved, you have to give a short presentation (10 mins + 5 of questions) in the University of your Research Plan to a 3/5 member-jury, all members or associated to your doctoral program. These presentations are convocated by the UGR once per year. You only have to do it once, before completing your first PhD year. The doctoral program coordinator should email you to communicate you when will the act take place.



Every September during your PhD you will have 1 month to write a document where you must include everything that you have done during the previous year (talks or poster contributions, assistance to congresses, papers, courses, seminars...). The document is found in the following link: Once completed, you have to upload it to the corresponding part of the Portal de Seguimiento de Doctorandos (see Figure below).


Your tutor (first) and your director/supervisor (last) will have to write a paragraph about it. Once this is done, the coordinator of your doctoral program must approve it too, and then you will be given the option to enroll in the new academic course. The instructions for this are in point 1. After you get the documents and pay the taxes, you must upload it to the “Solicitudes” part (see below).



In this section there is a big variety of documents that you can upload, as the Resguardo de Matrícula, Solicitud de prórroga del doctorado or Cambio de director y/o tutor (see Figure below). Every year after you enroll in the PhD, you will have to upload here the documents Resguardo de Matrícula and Carta de pago with its corresponding receipt saying that you have already paid (as mentioned in Sect. 1). Important, remember! If you have a FPI or FPU, both documents would be also required by the IAA administration, as your grant covers part of the enrollment and they will give it back to you (~60€ per year).


--> Solicitud de prórroga del doctorado The UGR automatically allows you to be in the doctoral program only for three years but probably your grant will be for 4 years. In that case, you will have to ask for an extension of your enrollment for one more year. This has to be done at least 3 months before you officially finish your third year. You can find all the information and your limit dates on the Datos generales / General Data part of the portal (see below), and also a link to the document that you should fill when that moment arrives.


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